Quick Bites: What is SAP Fiori?
What is SAP Fiori?
SAP Fiori is a software written in HTML 5 and JavaScript that enables the porting of applications on desktops, tablets and mobile phones. As of 2014 at the time of initial releaseSAP announced that Fiori will be included within underlying licenses of existing SAP software for clients. What started with a collection of 300 apps has now grown into over 7, 700 apps classified according to lines of business, industries and user roles.
What is SAP Fiori’s USP?
Fiori promises to deliver the best user experience across all SAP applications. As an enhancement to the traditional SAP GUI, Fiori focused on simplifying workflows through role-based processes and an interactive user interface which significantly impacts business by achieving greater productivity and increasing user adoption.
In an era of big data and analytics, automation and work-life integration, Fiori apps provide a common running theme of providing all the three to make faster and smarter business decisions.Backed by real-time data whether at office or in the field, limiting manual processes through enterprise mobility, and powered with the ability to carry, process and transmit information anywhere, Fiori apps have expanded the horizons of how enterprise apps can create business value.
What are the types of SAP Fiori Apps?
Fiori Apps can be classified into three and you can find a brief overview of them below:
1. SAP Fiori Transactional Apps
SAP Fiori Transactional Apps are used for any process that involves a transaction – for instance an employee raises a leave request through My Leave Requests app and the manager can approve or reject the leave request through the Approve Leave Requests app. Any transactional activity that involves creating, changing, or approving would come under this category and it can be deployed with any database.
2. SAP Fiori Factsheet Apps
SAP Fiori Factsheet Apps enables users to access contextual information about specific key information(central objects) used in business operations. A factsheet app can be accessed from another related factsheet app, or from related transactional and analytical apps. A Debit Memo Request is a factsheet app that displays net value, billing status, related invoices and related sales orders.Factsheets only run on a SAP HANA Database.
3. SAP Fiori Analytical Apps
SAP Fiori Analytical Apps convert a large volume of data into business actionable insights. These apps run with the analytical prowess of SAP HANA integrated along with the interface components of SAP Business Suite. They are capable of evaluating strategic KPIs in real time allowing users to react to changes in market conditions.
We hope this blog article gave you an overview what is SAP Fiori. Send in your questions and comments below for additional insights.